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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

The International Festival "Wheel extravaganza" in the Memory of L.L. Shamshurenkov

14 june, 2014, Yaransk

A self-taught inventor Leonty Shamshurenkov was born, lived and worked at Vyatka land in Yaransk county. He has become famous in 1741 due to his invention of "self-running carriage" - the prototype of the modern car.

According to scientists, exactly that mechanism of "self-running carriage" was the impetus for the development of car industry. The inventor has adopted the most appropriate pedal drive system for his machine. Only 30 years later it was repeated and further developed in the designs of "self-runners" of I. Kulibin and the bicycle of S. Artamonov.

The festival programme unrolls at the main square and streets of the city as well as at the area for drag racing.

The most interesting activities of the festival include the presentation of works by masters and inventors of "The Miracle of Technics", the exhibition and contest "Autoexotics", drag races, concert and entertainment program "Run , the wheel", "The battle of automechanics", parade- show "The Wheel of History".

For the youngest spectators and their parents a whole range of activities is prepared: the festival of prams "My first car", the contest of drawings on asphalt “My car”, "Our family car", children drag racing by electric cars.

The festival guests may get acquainted with the sights of the historic city, visit Yaransk region history museum.

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15:18:23 C ( F)
Region: Kirov region
City: Yaransk
Venue: Yaransk district, the city of Yaransk
Phone: (83367) 2 13 08